Ethical Storytelling: the practicalities
This course will outline the steps you and your teams can take to produce and use stories ethically.
Service Description
The steps we will explore: 1. Reframing your relationship with your job - reflecting individually and personally on our relationship with our roles through the lens of ethics. 2. Sharing power throughout the process of story production - from creating an equitable team to the foundational importance of consent as dialogue. 3. Content creation - the practicalities of adding context and nuance to your stories and not repeating the triumvirate of problematic storytelling. 4. Reframing your audience's relationship - reimagining and investigating the practicalities of a narrative rooted in solidarity over saviourism. 5. Testing & learn - developing both short and long term actions and plans. Course outcomes: You can expect to leave this course with: A deeper understanding of what ethical storytelling is and how unethical practice shows up in our work. The guidance to create an equity focused story production process. Knowledge of how to develop a dialogue centred consent process. The key questions to ask yourselves to undertake equitable content creation. Inspiration and ideas about how to bring your audiences and donors with you on this journey of change. A set of short and long term steps that you can action within your organisation. 3 x takeaway documents including: An equitable story production checklist. Consent as dialogue - key action document. An equity checker consent creation Q&A. Access to an online chat board for the other participants of your course, where we share the course materials and where you can continue the conversation. Greater confidence enacting ethical storytelling! The programme will be discursive, hands on and practical, and is aimed at staff working within the aid and development sector in fundraising, communications, media and adjacent roles. The materials we will explore will be from both smaller and larger sized organisations, and we welcome attendees from across the globe. Course tutor: Jess Crombie Jess is an academic at The University of the Arts London where she teaches and researches ethics and documentary storytelling, and the Founder and lead consultant at Jess Crombie Consultancy. Jess has twenty years as a communications leader in the INGO sector in roles such as Global Content Director for Save the Children and the Head of Film & Photography at WaterAid. Jess co-authored the groundbreaking research ‘The People in the Pictures’, ‘Who Owns The Story’ and 'Reimagine, Reframe, Redefine: Co-Creation & Storytell
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